A living repository of medical plants and beyond, rooted in the historic legacy of Van Rheede’s Hortus Malabaricus, where science and discovery take center stage

Reserving the rich biodiversity of medicinal and endemic plants through

About Us

Finding joy in the beauty of nature

Located in Cheruthuruthy, Thrissur District, Kerala, this 27-acre garden draws inspiration from the 17th-century Hortus Malabaricus, the monumental botanical work by Dutch commander Hendrik van Rheede.

Dedicated to the conservation and study of Kerala’s native medicinal plants and the endemic flora of the Western Ghats, the garden features over 1,200 species, including 742 documented in van Rheede’s treatise.

Visit HM Garden​

Key Highlights


With 7 acres of wilderness on the fringe area of forest range, Rheedianum has a year-round greenery. The area offers the best experience for birding.

Malabar garden

The oldest section in the garden has a slice of western ghats flora and a dependent diversity of fauna.

Yogini Temple

Delve into India’s medieval cult that worshipped feminine divinities as symbols of fertility and power.

In house vegetable garden

This vegetable garden sector emphasises showcasing both the nutritional value and medicinal potential of commonly cultivated vegetables

Glimpses from the garden

How to Reach Hortus Malabaricus

Get in touch

You can reach us anytime

Plan your journey to Hortus Malabaricus with our suggested routes to our easy-to-reach gates.

By Air

The garden is accessible via two major airports: Kochi International Airport approx 80km and Calicut International Airport approx 100km.

By Road

Located between Trichur and Shoranur, the garden is well connected by road.

By Rail

Shoranur Railway Station, a major junction, is located just 5 km away.
